Ten people met in the Sanctuary hub today. A handmade poibnsettia and a crocheted crown applique make great embgellishments for my...
Leaf art
I created this little dog with three Virginia creeper leaves, three berries and three clippings frm a conifer - all in my garden.
Seven residents joined me to create this autumn collage.We used felt pens, watercolour crayons and paints.
Not everything that's beautful in autumn is brightly coloured. I found this seedhead, with the faded remains of flowers, in my garden.- I...
Autumn foliage
I painted the oak leaves and acorn wet in wet, with washes of yellow, blue, yellow ochre and burnt umber. I added a little shading with...
This bright pansy is bringing colour to a tub outside a neighbour's house. I love the way pansies come into their own in cooler weather,...
I spent some time today preparing for my next care home workshop. I used maple and poplar leves picked up locally for reference, and drew...
Christmas cards
Nine people met in the Sancuary hub to make Christmas cards, using a combination of decoupage paers and recycled cards.One old card...
I did this sketch at the hairdresser's, using a couple of photos I took on holiday in Italy as reference. The scales which form the...
Never Stop Learning
Twelve people, including two children, joined me in Lymm library today for a watercolour workshop as part of Libraries week. This year...