Forget me nots
Seven of us met today in the Sanctuary hub to continue making cards for the Alzheimers Society Forget-me-not appeal.

I spotted this lovely shrub blooming in a local garden. The flowers on this one are bright yellow.

Greater Celandine
These bright yellow flowers on tall stems are blooming at Lymm Dam, where five cygnets hatched in the last few days. Greater Celandine is...

California poppy
These lovely flowers are native to America, where it has been used to treat pain and insomnia.
Cloth of Kindness
I heard about this lovely project on radio 4 today. The original Cloth of Kindness was made by artist Sally-Anne Lomas for the exhibition...

One of my favourite stories about the Coronation was the addition of insects, like bees and beetles, to the gold embroidered flowers on...

Coronation day
At 10.00 our new town crier (grandson of the last one) delivered a message from Buckingham Palace to the people of Lymm, standing beneath...

Community Garden
Nine people met at the Sanctuary hub today, including a new member. Our first job (in a brief sunny spell between heavy showers) was to...

The bunting is up on the village hall (mine is the red rose.)

The crown on the cross
Today dawned bright and sunny with blue skies and the scent of blossom in the air. The shop windows are displaying bunting in red, white...