Taking shape
I have glued crocheted caps and bonnets made from scraps of lace to the peg dolls' heads, and added facial hair to the men and buttons to...

Red roses on the tables at the Sanctuary cafe reminded me that it was St George's day on April 23rd, traditionally accepted as the date...

Anniversary card
I created this image by drawing branches in black felt pen across a sheet of white paper. I drew the outline of a heart on top, and...

Bunting and rock painting workshop
Today the Parish Council held a free workshop for people to decorate a pennant to go on the lower dam railings, and a rock to take home....

Alzheimers forget me not appeal
Eight people met at the Sanctuary hub to discuss forget-me-not crafts. While some members have knitted and crocheted flowers which could...

Peg dolls in progress
Making trousers for peg dolls is impractical, so I am painting white shirts and brown trousers, with black boots. Hats, waistcoats, neck...

Nine care home residents painted in watercolours the flowers I had drawn earlier. One asked for tulips which I drew for her. I had...

Wild strawberry
Pen and ink and watercolour washes.

These pale Spring flowers are still beautifying the parks in York. I outlined the flowers with green oil pastel before painting in leaves...

Burn How hotel
This lovely hotel is in a sheltered spot in Bowness, close to Lake Windermere and surrounded by gardens. Sketched in pen and ink.