I enjoyed drawing a portrait using watercolour crayons, and starting with primary colours
Easter bonnets
Who knew a paper plate could look so good on a head, decorated with a paper doily and crumpled tissue paper?
Craft stall
The Friends of Lymm library craft group raised £104 today for the Sanctuary cafe, selling knitted items like flowery hair accessories and...
Easter eggs
The egg was a widely used symbol of fertility and restoration, before Christianity. Early Christians adopted it as a symbol of the...
Draw a Bird Day - April 8
In 1943, during World War II, a seven-year-old girl named Dorie Cooper visited her uncle, who was a wounded soldier in hospital in...
The bushes are covered in clusters of tiny white flowers. Sketched in biro and watercolour crayon.
Cherry blossom
Worth the wait - the cherry blossom is spectacular now. Sketched in pen and ink.
Today artist Joy Ting introduced me to the work of Richard Diebenkorn, 1922-1933, known for colourful abstract landscapes. She...
Playing with paint
I made some outlines with a squashed cardboard tube and filled them in with watercolour paint.
Wabi Sabi
I really enjoyed having a go at Wabi Sabi today. Wabi is about recognizing beauty in simplicity. Sabi is concerned with the passage of...